Monday, 12 August 2013

DIY painted table stools

In our quest for a new awesome dining suite we came across these cute stools. We has already decided to keep and paint our old table white so thought that these could be perfect in replacement of our current brown high backed chairs that didn't really fit our suit our space. Bonus, these stools can totally fit under the table! Once we got them home we decided that they could use some colour to really make them pop and to add a little bit of excitement to the look. So here's what we did: (ps. will post pictures of the fully finished table soon!)

Step1: Buy cute, cheap stools - these were $12 each from The Warehouse. Originally we were planning on making our own but wood here (surprisingly, since we grow enough of the stuff!) is super expensive. It would have cost us more to make one stool than to buy 4 of these ones already made! 

Step two: Decide how much of the chair leg you want to keep white and measure a line around each of the four legs. Make sure to do this carefully, you don't want each one to stop at a different height! We left approx 20cm white.

Step three: Masking tape your lines to ensure you get a clean paint job and don't paint anything that is not supposed to be painted!

Step four: Start painting! We used Resene test pots and picked four different colours.

We had to give each stool about four coats of paint to get a fully covered, smooth look.

Happy painting! Kirsty X

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