Monday 15 July 2013

Recipe - Garlic Pita Crisps

It's funny how some traditions seem to develop themselves organically. A new tradition has begun in our home recently that sees me landed with the task of making Sunday afternoon snacks each week to be  shared over a cup of hot tea or better yet, a smooth glass of pinot gris.

This Sunday I made my own pita crisps with some pita pockets I found stashed away in the freezer, so easy and delicious!


Pita pockets - TIP stale pita pockets will actually come out better than fresh
Neutral oil
Sea salt
Fresh garlic

split the pita pocket in half and cut into eights (like you would a pizza) lay out onto a baking tray and brush the pita lightly with oil (I actually infused my oil with fresh garlic prior to this, so you could do this to enhance the flavour if you wished - i love things really garlicky, but that's not to everyone's liking). Take a peeled garlic clove, cut in half and rub the clove onto the bread pieces to give it a nice flavour. Sprinkle sea salt from a height all over the bread.

Bake at a low heat of approx 100 degrees celsius for at least 40 minutes or until golden and crispy just like the ones you buy in the shop!

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